The Outsider received SO MUCH LOVE at the 2024 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland!
The huge crowd present for our screening was fun and responsive, and our Q&A afterward was a blast. Once people had seen what we’d created, we were treated to a steady stream of support, insightful questions, and thoughtful discussion about our film that felt wonderful. I’m grateful that our story and its presentation connected, but was extra inspired to learn how the different elements of The Outsider’s story and production - including the deeper, subtler ones I love - touched different people in particular ways. And we even inspired fan art!
Photo credit: Remy Peterson
Our Portland crew had the best time in and around the beautiful Hollywood Theatre, watching tons of films and making new friends at the after parties. I’m grateful for the community that creates and supports this fest (thanks Gwen and Brian for bringing us all together!), and I always come out of the weekend feeling inspired.
While preparing for HPLFF Portland, we learned that The Outsider had also been officially selected for more film festivals around the continent! First one is for my Bay Area friends: Weird Film Fest in Oakland, CA, a fun block of strange films screening October 28, 2024. This fest takes place at the amazing, couch-filled New Parkway Theater, which I’ve always enjoyed visiting. It’ll be a weird, fun time.
Next, we go way out to the edge of North America for FOGFEST! This Canadian premiere of The Outsider takes place Nov 7-12, 2024 on the foggy tip of Newfoundland and Labrador. In 2023 FOGFEST screened both my film Night-Gaunts and my music video Before She Was a Moth, so I’m excited to return!
Happening at the same time (but 2,500 miles away) is the Buried Alive Horror Film Festival in Atlanta, GA! This festival runs Nov 7-10, 2024, and I’m happy to say that The Outsider screens here for its Southeastern US premiere!
Though I won’t be in attendance for all of them, I’m excited and honored that The Outsider is screening at the kind of film festivals I would definitely enjoy. If you can make it, please go support The Outsider and all the other independent/weird films at these events!